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27 Shemini (Parashot Shmini)

Parashot Shemini n.27

Available in English & Hebrew or Spanish Hebrew (contact us when you have ordered to let us know which language you do prefer, standard is English & Hebrew).

PARASHOT Shemini n.27

Then Aaron’s sons Nadav and Avihu offer «strange fire» before G-d and are struck dead. The people and the priests see the glory of G-d and are silent. G-d speaks to Moses and Aaron, telling them that the people must learn to distinguish between the sacred and the profane, the pure and the impure, permitted and forbidden foods. G-d instructs Moses to warn the priests to abstain from strong drink. Aaron and his sons are required to remain at the entrance of the Tent of Appointed Meeting for seven days and nights. On the eighth day, Moses summons Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel.

PARASHOT Shemini n.27

Nadav e Avihu, figli maggiori di Aaron, offrono al Signore un fuoco non autorizzato e vengono inceneriti. Il popolo e i sacerdoti osservano la gloria del Signore in silenzio. Il Signore parla con Moshé e Aaron: il popolo deve imparare a distinguere tra sacro e profano, il puro e l’impuro, cibi permessi e proibiti. I sacerdoti devono astenersi da bevande forti. Aaron e i suoi figli rimarranno all’entrata della Tenda per l’Appuntamento Convenuto per sette giorni e sette notti. L’ottavo giorno Moshé convoca Aaron e i suoi figli e gli anziani.

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Parashot Parasha Shemini Shmini n27 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

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