The Illustrated Torah Scrolls
Small Torah: €1,800
Medium Torah: €2,400
Large Torah: €3.800
By purchasing a Torah scroll, you contribute to our forthcoming
project, ‘Testimonies from the Venice Ghetto.’ As a token of
gratitude, you will be acknowledged as a supporter of the book and
receive a complimentary copy.
What is the Illustrated Torah Scroll?
The Illustrated Torah is artist, Michal Meron’s, unique pictorial interpretation of the 54 weekly sidrot of the Torah, plus a special painting illustrating the 10 Commandments. The paintings are presented on a single canvass scroll with rollers, like a real Torah. The scroll includes selected texts in Hebrew and English (JPS version) relevant to the weekly parasha and each sidrah connects to the appropriate Haftorah. The Illustrated Torah is an incredible educational tool, giving children and adults alike the opportunity to interact with the text of the Torah.
Available in 3 Sizes:
- Small Torah scroll 33cm height (12in)
- Medium Torah scroll 41,5 cm height (15in)
- Large Torah scroll 49cm height (19in)
Note: the case is not included