The Studio in Venice in collaboration with ScalaMata Gallery presents:
500 years of the Venetian Ghetto History
and scenes of daily life
Painted by Michal Meron
The paintings are accompanied by texts inspired by
Riccardo Calimani’s book The Venetian Ghetto
The world’s first ghetto was established in Venice in 1516. It was liberated by Bonaparte’s troops in 1797.
Today’s ghettos are areas of poverty, marginalisation and discrimination, but we should always remember that the word ghetto originated in Venice.
We invite all our friends to visit in the exhibition at the ScalaMata Gallery in the Ventian Ghetto. The exhibition will open on Sunday April 3rd, 2016 and will run until October 31st. If you are unable to come to the Gallery ‘in person’, we invite you to visit the exhibition ‘virtually’ by clicking on the menu above.
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