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PARASHA_OF_THE_WEEK_KEDOSHIM_Parashot Parasha Kedoshim n31 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron


Kedoshim is the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18). This
principle underscores the importance READ MORE
May 9, 2024/by studiove.admin
Parashot Parasha Achare Mot Acharemot n30 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron


One of the things this parasha teaches us is the necessity of keeping decrees and laws.
This implies a commitment to ethical living, where we actively seek to align our actions with moral principles. Pirke Avot 4:11expands on this idea, stating, "One who performs one mitzvah (commandment) acquires for himself....READ MORE
May 2, 2024/by studiove.admin
the studio in venice pessach 2022

Chag Pessach Sameach

Chag Pesach Sameach
April 26, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_metzora_parshah_partshat_Parashot Parasha Metzora Metzorà n29 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

My daily life Torah Coach: Parashat Metzorah n.29 – Navigating Life’s Journey with Ancient Insights

According to the Torah Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses because of his marriage to a Cushite woman, and as a result...READ MORE
April 18, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_tazria_Parashot Parasha Tazria n28 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron


The Lord speaks to Moses saying “Speak to the Children of Israel regarding the rituals concerning childbirth of a boy. The mother shall be in the state of purification for seven days. Upon the eighth day the flesh of a male baby’s foreskin is to be circumcised. For thirty-three days the mother shall be in a state of...
April 11, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_vayikrah_shemini_Parashot Parasha Shemini Shmini n27 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.27 Shemini (Parashat Shmini)

Then Aaron’s sons Nadav and Avihu offer «strange fire» before G-d and are struck dead. The people and the priests see the glory of G-d and are silent. G-d speaks to Moses and Aaron, telling them that the people must learn to distinguish between the sacred and the profane...READ MORE.
April 4, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_vayikrah_tzav_Parashot Parasha Tzav n26 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.26 Tzav (Parashah Tzav)

G-d continues to instruct Moses, calling him to gather Aaron and his sons so that they could be taught the rituals of sacrifice. At G-d’s command, Moses calls the people to the Tent of Meeting where he constructed the Tabern....READ MORE.
March 28, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_vayikrah_vayikra_Parashot Parasha Vaykra Vayikrah n25 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.25 Vayikrah (Parashah Vayikra)

G-d commands Moses regarding various types of offerings: under what circumstances they should be offered, and what they should consist of. Moses conducts a ceremony to anoint the Tent of Appointed Meeting and the ...READ MORE.
March 21, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_pekude_pekudei_Parashot Parasha Pekude n24 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron


The work of constructing the Tabernacle is completed; Moses receives the command to anoint it and to anoint Aaron and the priests. All that the Lord commanded Moses is created for the sanctuary under the direction of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest, Bezalel of the tribe of Judah, and Oholiab ...
March 14, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_vayakhel_Parashot Parasha Vayekahel n23 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.23 Vayakhel

Vayakhel :The Israelites bring so many materials for the construction of the Tabernacle that Moses tells them to stop...READ MORE
March 7, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_ki_tisa_Parashot Parasha Ki-Tisa Kitisa n22 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.22 Ki-Tisa (Parashat Ki Tisa)

G-d had already commanded Moses how to build a Tent of Appointed Meeting for G-d. This Dwelling Place was a moveable holy sanctuary where the people can bring offerings to G-d. Priests were to wear special garments and wash before officiating in this sanctuary. Each person, rich and...READ MORE.
February 29, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_Tetzaveh_Parashot Parasha Tetzaveh n21 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.21 Tetzaveh (Parashat T’tzaveh)

G-d also reveals to Moses how to make the priestly garments and describes the seven day ritual to invest Aaron (Cohen Gadol) and his sons Nadav, Avihu, Elazar and Itamar (Cohanim) as priests. ”And Moses” G-d commands “you shall command the sons of Israel to use pure olive oil for kindling ...READ MORE
February 22, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_Terumah_Parashot Parasha Truma Terumah n20 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.20 Terumah (Parashat Truma)

During his forty-day vigil in the mountain, G-d provides Moses with detailed instructions about how to build the tabernacle, the Mishkan, and its furnishing, including the Ark of the Covenant, the seven branched Menorah, and the altar. G-d first instructs Moses how to fashion a Dwelling ...Read more.
February 15, 2024/by studiove.admin
parasha_of_the_week_Mishpatim_Parashot Parasha Mishpatim n19 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.19 Mishpatim (Parashat Mishpatim)

G-d has just given the Ten Commandments on mount Sinai. Moshé informs the people of numerous ethical and ritual laws and seals the covenant between the Children of Israel and G-d. Rashi writes a Midrash on what G-d told to Moshé: “I gave you the Tables of the Law, including the Ten Commandments...
February 8, 2024/by studiove.admin
Parasha_of_the_Week_Yitro_Parashot Parasha Yitro Yitrò n17 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.17 Yitro (Parashat Yitro)

Yitro, Moses’ father-in-law, suggests a system for establishing courts to settle disputes and manage governance; G-d gives the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel amidst fire, smoke, and the sound of the shofar. He takes Moses’ wife and two sons and brings them to Moses in the wilderness. ....
February 1, 2024/by studiove.admin

Parasha of the Week n.16 Beshalach (Parashat Beshalach)

G-d tells Moses to set camp at the Sea of Reeds until pharaoh changes his mind about freeing the Jews and chases his former slaves. With the Egyptians on their tail, G-d splits the sea and Moses leads the Israelites...
January 25, 2024/by studiove.admin
Parashot Parasha Bo n15 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week Bo n.15 (Parashat Bo)

G-d said to Moses “Go again to Pharaoh for I have hardened his heart so I may display my signs to the people. It is these signs which will...
January 18, 2024/by studiove.admin
Parashot Parasha Va'era Vaera n14 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.14 VA’ERA (Parashat Vaera)

G-d sends plagues to Egypt. At the beginning the Nile is turned into blood and the Egyptians are left without drinking water, then He sends the frogs. The next ....READ MORE
January 11, 2024/by studiove.admin
Parashot Parasha Shemot n13 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

Parasha of the Week n.13 Shemot (Parashat Shmot)

It’s the darkest hour yet in the history of the fledgling nation. Slaves in a foreign land, subject to the cruelest of decrees. ....
January 4, 2024/by studiove.admin

Parasha of the Week n.12 Vayechi (Parashat Vayechi)

As the book of Genesis closes, the seventy souls of Jacob’s family become the twelve tribes of Israel. Cosmic secrets are almost revealed. The children of Israel sink deeper into exile, but the exile in Egypt will end when...
December 29, 2023/by studiove.admin
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