Bemidbar n.35
Dear friend and sponsor. Your order – like other friends’ orders – keeps us in operation. There is no tourism in Venice at the moment and the only source of income we have is from the internet. We have reduced our prices and are offering very attractive deals. If you are interested in original Jewish works of art this is the right time to explore the various possibilities. Please be in contact with us
If you know among your friends somebody who could be interested in our art, please let them know we exist . After all, one of the best types of promotion is from the mouth to the ear.
Please take a look at our Torah presentation. Thank you
Alon Baker – manager of the studio in Venice
Moses conducts a census of the Israelites; G-d describes the unique duties of the Kehàt family of priests. G-d tells Moses: “You shall take a total count of the entire community of the sons of Israel according to their families, according to their father’s house, counting the names of all males twenty years old and upward. But the Levites are not allowed to number themselves among them. For you shall appoint the Levites over the Dwelling Place of the Testimony. They shall carry the Dwelling Place of the Tent of Appointed Meeting and minister to it and camp around it. All the other sons of Israel shall camp with their own tribe, according to their divisions, at some distance around the Tent of Appointed Meeting.” Each of the descendants of Aaron (Moses’ brother) are anointed as priests, but Nadab and Abihu died when they brought a strange fire before G-d. Since they had no sons, only Eleazar and Ithamar remain to minister as priests.
Moshé opera un censimento degli israeliti; il Signore descrive i doveri di esclusiva pertinenza dei sacerdoti appartenenti alla famiglia di Kehàt. Il Signore dice a Moshé: «Devi effettuare un conteggio totale di tutta la comunità dei figli di Israele, secondo le famiglie, il casato paterno e considerando singolarmente tutti i maschi dai vent’anni in su idonei al servizio militare. I Leviti però vanno esclusi dal conteggio. Darai loro appuntamento nel Luogo della Testimonianza; una volta giunti alla Tenda per l’Appuntamento Convenuto, assisteranno il sommo sacerdote nello svolgimento delle proprie funzioni e si accamperanno intorno al mishkàn. Tutti gli altri figli d’Israele dovranno accamparsi con la propria tribù, secondo la ripartizione stabilita, a una certa distanza dalla Tenda». I discendenti di Aaron (fratello di Moshé) vengono quindi unti come sacerdoti, esclusi Nadab e Abihu, morti per l’offerta di fuoco profano al Signore. Dal momento che non avevano figli, solo Eleazar e Ithamar rimangono a officiare come sacerdoti.
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