Tag Archive for: Devarim Deuteronomy

In the beginning, in this portion we see how G-d created the world out of chaos. G-d declared all creations good, and then G-d rested on the first Shabbat. The first human beings, Adam and Eve, lived peacefully in the Garden of Eden, until they disobeyed G-d’s commands…READ MORE.

Moses gives the tribes of Israel a final blessing and dies at the age of 120; the Children of Israel mourn and begin to follow….READ MORE

Moses gives the tribes of Israel a final blessing and dies at the age of 120; the Children of Israel mourn and begin to follow Joshua, their new

Moses recites a song to the Children of Israel that testifies to their covenant with G-d. After Moses’ last speech to the children of Israel

Moses describes the Covenant between G-d and the Israelites, urging the Israelites to uphold the Covenant and honor the Torah…

Moses describes the Covenant between G-d and the Israelites, urging the Israelites to uphold the Covenant and honor the Torah…

Moses instructs the Israelites regarding the first fruit offering; Moses then lists the blessings for keeping the commandments and the

Moses enumerates many laws that relate to topics of family relationships, interpersonal ethics, forbidden mixtures, and sexuality. …

Moses reviews for the Israelites their system of justice, the rules of kingship, their relationship to idolatrous nations, and the rules of

Moses instructs the Israelites regarding idolatry, false prophets, clean and unclean foods, tithes, …