Tag Archive for: Tazria

The Lord speaks to Moses saying “Speak to the Children of Israel regarding the rituals concerning childbirth of a boy. The mother shall be in the state of purification for seven days. Upon the eighth day the flesh of a male baby’s foreskin is to be circumcised. For thirty-three days the mother shall be in a state of…

PARASHA OF THE WEEK Double Parasha 28 Tazria & 29 Metzora – The Studio in Venice – this week we present a double Work of Art by Michal Meron

The Lord speaks to Moses saying “Speak to the Children of Israel regarding the rituals concerning childbirth of a boy. The mother shall be in the state of purification for seven days. Upon the eighth day the flesh of a male baby’s foreskin is to be circumcised. For thirty-three days the mother shall be in a state of…

PARASHA OF THE WEEK Double Parasha 28 Tazria & 29 Metzora – The Studio in Venice – this week we present a double Work of Art by Michal Meron