Parasha of the week
n.09 Vayeshev

Parashot Parasha Vayeshev n09 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

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Parasha Vayeshev n.09

Jacob favored Joseph above all his sons, and made him a coat of many colors. Joseph had dreams in which his brothers and parents bowed down to him, and when he told his brothers, they hated him. Plotting to kill him, they threw him into a pit and stained his coat of many colors in sheep’s blood. They then sold him to a caravan of Ishmaelites, who carried him down to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s courtiers. Jacob bitterly mourned Joseph’ death. Falsely accused by Pothiphar’s wife, Joseph was thrown into prison where he became overseer of all prisoners. Pharaoh’s chief baker and cupbearer told him their dreams and he predicted death for the one and freedom for the other. But the cupbearer forgot about Joseph when he regained his freedom.

Parasha Vayeshev n.09

Joseph è il figlio prediletto di Yaakov, che prepara per lui un cappotto di tanti colori. Joseph fa spesso sogni nei quali tutta la famiglia si inginocchia al suo cospetto ma, quando decide di raccontarli ai fratelli, essi gli rivolgono contro il proprio odio. Cospirando infatti per ucciderlo, lo gettano in una fossa e macchiano il suo cappotto di sangue di pecora. Lo vendono quindi a una carovana di ismaeliti che, una volta in Egitto, lo rivende a Potifar, un membro della corte del faraone. Vittima dell’inganno, Yaakov piange lacrime amare per quella che crede la morte di Joseph. Accusato ingiustamente dalla moglie di Potifar, Joseph viene mandato in prigione, dove diventa sovrintendente degli altri prigionieri. Il capo panettiere e il coppiere del faraone gli raccontano i loro sogni: egli predice morte a uno e libertà all’altro. Una volta ottenuta la libertà, il coppiere però si dimentica di Joseph.

This Week Parasha Torah Banner The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

The image above, is showing the opening part of our Illustrated Torah scroll with the first 4 sidrot. This is a canvas reproduction of the opening part of our Medium size Illustrated Torah Scroll. The scroll contains all 54 sidrot of the Torah in paintings. It is used as a fundraiser (MAKES BETWEEN 75k and 145k) for communities and it costs a tiny fraction.

As you can see here in the video, this is also a great tool for Simchat Torah and the picture of 250 kids all holding the scroll up gives the chills.

I hope to have awakened your curiosity. We have to help each other in times of distress, and this is the way we can help you and you can help us.

If you are interested, let us know and I will send to you the “Real sampler” Free of Charge.

BTW, Michal is now painting an original scroll which will be ready in approximately one year.

Same paintings only originals on canvas and will be made out as a scroll.

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Cordially Be’Shalom, Michal and Alon

The studio in Venice – Cannaregio 1152 – Venice 30121 – Italy

Phone +39-0415208997 –