Parasha of the Week n.39 Korah
(Parshot Korach)
Parasha of the Week n.39 Korah
Korah n.39
Korah and his followers rebel against Moses’ and Aaron’s leadership and are killed; G-d instructs Aaron regarding laws of the priesthood. Now, Korah, a Levite, along with two sons of Eliab, decided to rise up against Moses with the support of 250 community leaders. They plot against Moses and Aaron, saying “You’ve gone too far. Why do you raise yourself up above us?” When Moses heard this, he fell on his face, saying to Korah and his followers, “Come morning, G-d will make known who G-d is and who is holy.” Then Moses added, “You have gone too far, sons of Levi. Is it not enough that G-d has set you apart from the community of Israel by having you perform the duties of the Lord’s Dwelling Place? Will you seek priesthood too? Truly, you rebel against G-d.
Parasha della Settimana Korah n.39
Korah e i suoi seguaci si ribellano contro il comando di Moshé e Aaron e vengono uccisi; D-o istruisce Aaron per quanto riguarda le leggi del sacerdozio. Il levita Korah decide, insieme a due figli di Eliab, di insorgere contro Moshé con il sostegno di duecentocinquanta capi della comunità. Organizzata una congiura contro Moshé e Aaron, Korah dice: «Hai oltrepassato il limite. Perché metti te stesso a un livello sopra il nostro?». Quando Moshé sente questo, si rammarica e così si rivolge a Korah e ai suoi seguaci: «Quando verrà il giorno, D-o svelerà chi è e chi è santo». Poi Moshé aggiunge: «Vi siete spinti oltre la misura, figli di Levi. Non è sufficiente che D-o vi abbia distinto dal resto della comunità di Israele incaricandovi della cura del luogo di dimora del Signore? Cercherete di ottenere anche il sacerdozio? La verità è che vi siete ribellati contro D-o».
The image above, is showing the opening part of our Illustrated Torah scroll with the first 4 sidrot. This is a canvas reproduction of the opening part of our Medium size Illustrated Torah Scroll. The scroll contains all 54 sidrot of the Torah in paintings. It is used as a fundraiser (MAKES BETWEEN 75k and 145k) for communities and it costs a tiny fraction.
As you can see here in the video, this is also a great tool for Simchat Torah and the picture of 250 kids all holding the scroll up gives the chills.
I hope to have awakened your curiosity. We have to help each other in times of distress, and this is the way we can help you and you can help us.
If you are interested, let us know and I will send to you the “Real sampler” Free of Charge.
BTW, Michal is now painting an original scroll which will be ready in approximately one year.
Same paintings only originals on canvas and will be made out as a scroll.
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