Tag Archive for: n.14

Parashat Bo takes us into the crescendo of the Exodus story, where the final three plagues unfold, culminating in the Israelites’ liberation from Egypt. It is a moment of transition, from bondage to freedom, representing the human from despair to hope. What makes this parasha so resonant in modern life is its focus on agency and remembrance…..READ MORE.

Parshat Va’era introduces us to the promise given to Moses, to deliver the Israelites from bondage, as well as showcases the first seven plagues: blood, frogs, lice, wild beasts, pestilence, boils, and hail. Despite Moses’ ….READ MORE.

G-d sends plagues to Egypt. At the beginning the Nile is turned into blood and the Egyptians are left without drinking water, then He sends the frogs. The next ….READ MORE