Tag Archive for: Vaykra-Leviticus

PARASHA OF THE WEEK Double Parasha 28 Tazria & 29 Metzora – The Studio in Venice – this week we present a double Work of Art by Michal Meron

G-d enumerates the rewards for keeping the commandments and the punishments for violating them; the laws of tithes are then listed. G-d says: “If you follow My Laws and faithfully observe My Command …

G-d tells Moses to instruct the people in the laws of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, as well as how to relate to those in the community who become impoverished. G-d speaks to Moses on Mount Sinai and tells him to tell the Israelites the following: “When you’ll enter the land that I give you, ….

G-d gives Moses a series of laws specific to Aaron and all the priests; then instructs Moses to tell the people about the festivals…

G-d tells Moses to give the people a series of ethical and ritual laws instructing in how to be holy. The Lord has just told Moses to tell the Israelites about the law commanding an annual Day of Atonement and sexual prohibitions. The Lord says to Moses: “Speak to the whole Israelite community and …

After the death of Aaron’s two sons, G-d directs Moses to instruct the Levites and priests on the rituals of purification and atonement, including the special practices performed by the high priest on Yom Kippur. The ritual of..

the studio in venice pessach 2022

Chag Pesach Sameach

Chag Pesach Sameach

Chag Pesach Sameach

Then G-d speaks to Moses and Aaron saying “When you’ll enter the land of Canaan and I’ll inflict leprosy upon a house there, the owner shall come and tell the priest of the affliction. The priest must examine the house and pronounce the home clean or unclean. The unclean …

The Lord speaks to Moses saying “Speak to the Children of Israel regarding the rituals concerning childbirth of a boy. The mother shall be in the state of purification for seven days. Upon the eighth day the flesh of a male baby’s foreskin is to be circumcised. For thirty-three days the mother shall be in a state of…