Parshat Shemot n.13

Navigating Life’s Journey with Ancient Insights

Parashot Parasha Shemot n13 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

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In this week’s parsha, Moses’ journey begins with hesitation and doubt, yet he steps forward, showing that transformation begins with a single brave choice. Parsha Shemot allows us to reflect on the essence of Moses’ mindset when faced with fear of the unknown, and take from this the lesson that courage, even in the dark, guides us towards the light. With faith, Moses was able to seek clarity through moments of Divine Providence, such as with the burning bush.
The midwives Shifra and Puah defy Pharaoh’s decree, embodying the value to stand against injustice, even at great personal risk. Their actions remind us that even small acts of defiance can ripple outward, sparking change. Shemot teaches that while fear is natural, true strength lies in choosing to act despite it, a lesson that resonates in a world often demanding boldness and integrity.

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News from the Ghetto

This upcoming Sunday, January 19th, the Jewish Community of Venice will be hosting author Anna Foa alongside president Dario Calimani in a discourse titled “Israele Oggi”. Foa is recognized amongst the global Jewish network for her various critiques and research on the state of Israel and Jewish life.

Anna Foa’s Le Vie Degli Ebrei traces the history of Jews in Italy, exploring their cultural contributions, resilience, and challenges from ancient times to the modern era. The book examines key events like the establishment of ghettos and the Shoah, blending historical analysis with personal narratives to highlight themes of coexistence and adaptation.

Le Vie Deglias well as other works by Foa are available at the Ghetto’s Bookshop, located next to the Levantine synagogue. 

News from our Gallery

Birkat Habayit (in English Blessing for the Home) serves as a Segulah (amulet) for protection of one’s home. The words carry a deep resonance, which calls upon a divine presence to fill the home with blessings of love, joy, and safety. Displayed in many homes, this timeless blessing serves as a reminder that our dwellings are sacred sanctuaries.

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