Parshat Va’era n.14

Navigating Life’s Journey with Ancient Insights

Parashot Parasha Va'era Vaera n14 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

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Parshat Va’era introduces us to the promise given to Moses, to deliver the Israelites from bondage, as well as showcases the first seven plagues: blood, frogs, lice, wild beasts, pestilence, boils, and hail. Despite Moses’ feelings of inadequacy and Pharaoh’s unyielding heart, the narrative highlights the inevitability of justice and the power of faith in the face of continuous oppression. A story of transformation and resilience,Parsha Va’era reminds us that liberation is always within reach, even when the path forward seems impossible.

The story of Va’era speaks to various universal struggles. Whether these be moments of doubt, resistance to change, and the pursuit of justice. Moses’ hesitation mirrors our own insecurities, yet his journey reminds us that great impact often begins with small, uncertain steps. Pharaoh’s defiance warns of the dangers of arrogance and moral blindness, calling us to confront systems of injustice with courage. Just as the plagues disrupted the natural order to awaken Pharaoh, today’s social upheavals challenge us to reflect justly before we act.

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News from the Ghetto

From January 22nd to February 5th, the Jewish Community of Venice is hosting a series of reflective events dedicated to Holocaust remembrance. The commemorations coincide with International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 and feature a variety of cultural, educational, and artistic programs open to the public. These gatherings aim to honor the memory of the victims, foster understanding, and uphold the lessons of history.

The program includes screenings of films, such as Woman in Gold and Resistance, a theatrical recital titled Painting is my cure, and book and academic presentations, including Memory, Law, and Rights and Bergen Belsen: …a black abyss into which humanity sinks.

These events invite reflection and dialogue, honoring the past while inspiring vigilance against injustice. For full details and more information, visit this link.

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