Tag Archive for: Toldot

Toldot tells the story of Isaac and Rebecca’s twin sons, Jacob and Esau, who strug- gle in the womb and seem destined to clash throughout their lives and those of their de- scendants…..READ MORE.

Isaac and Rebekah became parents to twins. Esau became a hunter, while Jacob remained in the camp. Isaac favored Esau, Rebekah favored Jacob. One day Esau sold his birthright to Jacob in exchange for some lentil stew. When…READ MORE

Isaac and Rebekah became parents to twins. Esau became a hunter, while Jacob remained in the camp. Isaac favored Esau, Rebekah favored Jacob. One day Esau sold his birthright to Jacob in exchange for some lentil stew. When the…

saac and Rebekah became parents to twins. Esau became a hunter, while Jacob remained in the camp. Isaac favored Esau, Rebekah favored…