Tag Archive for: Torah

Each year on the Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah and the morning of Yom Kippur, we read Parashot: Nitzavim and Vayelech. The parasha takes place on the very last day of Moses’ life. The Israelites have come…..READ MORE.

Parashat Ki Tavo focuses on the Israelites’ entrance into the Promised Land: the
ceremonies they will follow once they arrive and then get settled, and the consequences
of obeying…..READ MORE.

Moses enumerates many laws that relate to topics of family relationships, interpersonal ethics, forbidden mixtures, and sexuality. In continuing his last speech, Moses delivers specific rules on family relationships. READ MORE

Moses reviews for the Israelites their system of justice, the rules of kingship, their relationship to idolatrous nations, and the rules of doing battle. Moses continues his last speech to the Israelites before he dies saying: “Judges shall be appointed to judge the people with justice. You shall not…

The book of Deuteronomy as a whole is structured on the model of a covenant, and represents Moses’ renewal of the Sinai covenant with the next generation, who would enter the Promised Land and there create a covenant-based society…..READ MORE.

The book of Deuteronomy as a whole is structured on the model of a covenant, and represents Moses’ renewal of the Sinai covenant with the next generation, who would enter the Promised Land and there create a covenant-based society…..READ MORE.

The book of Deuteronomy as a whole is structured on the model of a covenant, and represents Moses’ renewal of the Sinai covenant with the next generation, who would enter the Promised Land and there create a covenant-based society…..READ MORE.

Moses describes the laws of oaths; the Israelites battle the Midianites; the tribes of Reuben and Gad request to dwell outside of the Land of Israel. Moses speaks to the heads of the tribes of the sons of Israel…READ MORE

The name of the Parashat, “Pinchas”, refers to Phineas, who zealously avenged G-d
name, and it is found in Numbers 25:11.
Aaron’s grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Simeonite
prince Zimri and the Midianite princess who was his paramour: G-d grants him a covenant of
peace and the priesthood…READ MORE.

Cursing and Blessing the Israelites. Miriam and Aaron die and Moses and the Israelites must fight agains…READ MORE