Moses instructs the Israelites regarding the first fruit offering; Moses then lists the blessings for keeping the commandments and the punishments for disobeying them. Moses continues his last speech before the Israelites…READ MORE.

Moses enumerates many laws that relate to topics of family relationships, interpersonal ethics, forbidden mixtures, and sexuality. In continuing his last speech, Moses delivers specific rules on family relationships. READ MORE

Moses reviews for the Israelites their system of justice, the rules of kingship, their relationship to idolatrous nations, and the rules of doing battle. Moses continues his last speech to the Israelites before he dies saying: “Judges shall be appointed to judge the people with justice. You shall not…

Moses instructs the Israelites regarding idolatry, false prophets, clean and unclean foods, tithes, freeing slaves, and the pilgrimage festivals.In his last speech to the Israelites, Moses warns them, “If you follow G-d’s laws, you will be blessed more than all the peoples of the earth. However, if you …

Moses continues his speech to the Israelites, reminding them to keep The Lord’s commandments when they enter the land of Israel. Moses continues with his speech to the Israelites: “It will come to pass as a result …