Moses describes the Covenant between G-d and the Israelites, urging the Israelites to uphold the Covenant and honor the Torah, so that they may be rewarded with life in the land of Israel. Moses continues his last speech before the Israelites: “You are standing before G-d in order to enter into the …

Moses describes the Covenant between G-d and the Israelites, urging the Israelites to uphold the Covenant and honor the Torah, so that they may be rewarded with life in the land of Israel. Moses continues his last …

Moses enumerates many laws that relate to topics of family relationships, interpersonal ethics, forbidden mixtures, and sexuality. In continuing his last speech, Moses delivers specific rules on family relationships. ”If a beautiful woman is taken captive in war, you may take her as your wife. However, you must wait…

Scalamata publications and Venezia Contemporanea announce the booklet’s launch of “Frequently asked questions in the the ghetto of Venice”.

Moses enumerates many laws that relate to topics of family relationships, interpersonal ethics, forbidden mixtures, and sexuality. In continuing his last speech, Moses delivers specific rules on family relationships. ”If a beautiful woman is taken captive in war, you may take her as your wife. However, you must wait…

Moses reviews for the Israelites their system of justice, the rules of kingship, their relationship to idolatrous nations, and the rules of doing battle. Moses continues his last speech to the Israelites before he dies saying: “Judges shall be appointed to judge the people with justice. You shall not…