Parasha of the Week Ki Tavo n. 51
Parasha of the Week Ki Tavo n. 51
Parasha of the Week Ki Tavo n. 51
Moses instructs the Israelites regarding the first fruit offering; Moses then lists the blessings for keeping the commandments and the punishments for disobeying them. Moses continues his last speech before the Israelites: “When you dwell in the promised land, take a selection of the first fruits and bring them to the place G-d chooses for G-d’s Name. With a priest you shall make an offering saying ‘We remember when we were slaves in Egypt. We remember how G-d brought us to freedom with a strong hand and outstretched arm, with signs and miracles. You, G-d, brought us to this land flowing with milk and honey. And now I have brought these first fruits that you, G-d, have given me.’ You shall cast yourself down before the Presence of G-d and you shall rejoice in all the good that G-d has given you and your household.”
Parasha della settimana Ki Tavo n. 51
Moshé impartisce istruzioni agli israeliti riguardo alle offerte delle primizie; quindi elenca le benedizioni da recitare in onore dei comandamenti e le punizioni nel caso in cui vengano violati. Moshé continua così il suo ultimo discorso di fronte agli israeliti: «Quando dimorerete nella Terra Promessa, fate una selezione di primizie e portatele nel posto che il Signore ha designato per il Suo Nome. Con la supervisione di un sacerdote preparete un’offerta recitando ‘Ricordiamo quand’eravamo schiavi in Egitto. Ricordiamo come il Signore ci ha condotto alla libertà con mano forte e a braccia aperte, inviandoci segni e rendendoci partecipi di miracoli. Tu, Signore, ci hai condotto in questa terra, in cui scorrono latte e miele. E ora sono io a portare a Te, Signore, quelle stesse primizie che tu per primo mi hai donato’. Vi inginocchierete alla Presenza del Signore e in ogni cosa buona troverete quella gioia che il Signore ha trasmesso a voi e alla vostra famiglia».
The image above, is showing the opening part of our Illustrated Torah scroll with the first 4 sidrot. This is a canvas reproduction of the opening part of our Medium size Illustrated Torah Scroll. The scroll contains all 54 sidrot of the Torah in paintings. It is used as a fundraiser (MAKES BETWEEN 75k and 145k) for communities and it costs a tiny fraction.
As you can see here in the video, this is also a great tool for Simchat Torah and the picture of 250 kids all holding the scroll up gives the chills.
I hope to have awakened your curiosity. We have to help each other in times of distress, and this is the way we can help you and you can help us.
If you are interested, let us know and I will send to you the “Real sampler” Free of Charge.
BTW, Michal is now painting an original scroll which will be ready in approximately one year.
Same paintings only originals on canvas and will be made out as a scroll.

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