This week’s parashah describes the appointment of seventy elders to help judge the
people. As God tells Moshe, “I will draw upon the spirit that is on you and put it upon
them,” so that the elders will share the…READ MORE

This week’s parashah describes the appointment of seventy elders to help judge the
people. As God tells Moshe, “I will draw upon the spirit that is on you and put it upon
them,” so that the elders will share the…READ MORE

Found in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar), contains various themes, including the laws
of the Nazirite, the Sotah (suspected adulteress), and the priestly blessings. Each of
these topics offers relevant lessons for modern life, supported by insights from ancient
sources like the Talmud…READ MORE

Moses conducts a census of the Israelites; G-d describes the unique duties of the Kehàt family of priests. G-d tells Moses: “You shall take a total count of the entire community of the sons of Israel according to their families, according to their father’s house, counting the names…READ MORE