Tag Archive for: BemidbarNumbers

The Israelites receive instructions regarding Passover; they journey forth from Sinai and complain to G-d on several occasions, provoking G-d’s anger; Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses. After the sanctification of the Dwelling Place for G-d, G-d spoke to Moses saying “Speak to Aaron and have him light the menorah so that the seven…

G-d describes the service of the Gershon family of Levites; laws relating to the suspected adulteress and the nazirite are given; God tells Moses and Aaron the priestly blessing; the heads of tribes bring gifts to the Tabernacle…

G-d gives Moses a series of laws specific to Aaron and all the priests; then instructs Moses to tell the people about the festivals, in addition to laws of blasphemy and murder. Priests are…READ MORE.

Parasha of the Week – Double Parasha n.43 Matot – n.44 Mas’ey

G-d gives Pinchas a covenant of peace; G-d explains the apportionment of the Land of Israel; the daughters of Tzelophechad petition to inherit their father’s portion; Moses appoints Joshua his successor. G-d says to Moses

Cursing and Blessing the Israelites. Miriam and Aaron die and Moses and the Israelites must fight against the Edomites, Canaanites, Emorites and Amorites to continue toward G-d’s Promised land. Each time G-d helps the children of Israel win. Now, Balak, the King of Moab, sees how the Hebrews had won these wars.

G-d instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the red heifer; Miriam dies; Moses hits a rock to bring forth water rather than speaking to it; Aaron dies. G-d said to Moses and Aaron “Speak to the sons of Israel and find a completely red cow on which there is no blemish and no yoke has ever come. You shall give it to Eleazar…

Korah and his followers rebel against Moses’ and Aaron’s leadership and are killed; G-d instructs Aaron regarding laws of the priesthood. Now, Korah, a Levite, along with two sons of Eliab, decided to rise up against Moses with the support of 250 community leaders. They plot against Moses and Aaron, …

In Parasha Shelach Lecha Moses sends 12 spies into the Land of Israel charged to gather information and to scout out the land for military purposes, so to make the Israelites entering the Promised Land easier. In the Haftarah for Shelach Lecha, Joshua is continuing the mission that Moses began…

The Israelites receive instructions regarding Passover; they journey forth from Sinai and complain to G-d on several occasions, provoking G-d’s anger; Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses.