The Jewish community of Venice celebrates every year a Seder for all the members. The weeks before, volunteers of the community bake the Mazzot

G-d continues to instruct Moses, calling him to gather Aaron and his sons so that they could be taught the rituals of sacrifice. At G-d’s command, Moses calls the people to the Tent of Meeting where he constructed…

G-d had already commanded Moses how to build a Tent of Appointed Meeting for G-d. This Dwelling Place was a moveable holy sanctuary where the people can bring offerings to G-

Vayakhel :The Israelites bring so many materials for the construction of the Tabernacle that Moses tells them to stop…
Pekude: The work of constructing the Tabernacle is completed; Moses receives the command to anoint it and to anoint Aaron and the priests. All that …

G-d had already commanded Moses how to build a Tent of Appointed Meeting for G-d. This Dwelling Place was a moveable holy sanctuary where the people can bring offerings to G-

G-d also reveals to Moses how to make the priestly garments and describes the seven day ritual to invest Aaron (Cohen Gadol) and his sons Nadav, Avihu, Elazar and Itamar (Cohanim) as priests. …

During his forty-day vigil in the mountain, G-d provides Moses with detailed instructions about how to build the tabernacle, the Mishkan, and its furnishing,

G-d has just given the Ten Commandments on mount Sinai. Moshé informs the people of numerous ethical and ritual laws and seals the covenant between the Children of Israel and G-d.