Parshat Bo n.15

Navigating Life’s Journey with Ancient Insights

Parashot Parasha Bo n15 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

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Parashat Bo takes us into the crescendo of the Exodus story, where the final three plagues unfold, culminating in the Israelites’ liberation from Egypt. It is a moment of transition, from bondage to freedom, representing the human from despair to hope. What makes this parasha so resonant in modern life is its focus on agency and remembrance. God instructs Moses and Aaron to prepare the Israelites for their journey to freedom, emphasizing their active role in this redemptive process. It was not simply a passive movement embraced with love and light, with the marking of the doorposts and partaking in the Passover offering, it empowered the Israelites to take the bold step to leave everything they’ve ever known behind and embrace the willingness to move on. It teaches us about the power of aligning with our purpose in dark times, thanks to the community. It also teaches us that in order to overcome enslavement, whether it be of a space or a mindset, it requires blind faith and a desperation for change, even if it may bring about turbulence along the journey.

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News from the Ghetto

On January 27th, in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, Veneto Governor Luca Zaia, Jewish Community of Venice President Dario Calimani, and Rav Alberto
Sermoneta gathered in thCampo del Ghetto Nuovo to commemorate the victims of the Shoah.
In their heartfelt speeches, they emphasized the importance of preserving the memory of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust and the need for continued education to combat antisemitism, especially in Italy. The solemn event was marked by the lighting of memorial candles and reflections on the resilience of the Jewish community, standing as a powerful reminder of the shared responsibility to ensure such tragedies are never repeated.

News from our Gallery

Our specially reduced item of the week is our Three Professions Litograph, which depicts the three kinds of professions that Jews in the Ghetto of Venice were constricted to pursue during the 16th century. The professions include doctors, rag traders and merchants, of which Shakespeare was inspired to write his play The Merchant of Venice.

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