Parashat Ha’Azinu n.54

Ha’Azinu, Deuteronomy 32:1–52

Navigating Life’s Journey with Ancient Insights

Parasha_of_the_week_Parashot Parasha Haazinu Ha'azinu n.54 The Studio in Venice by Michal Meron

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Parashat Ha’Azinu, the next to last Parashah in the Torah, fulfills G-d’s instruction for Moses to “write down this song and teach it to the people of Israel” (Deuteronomy 31:19). This reflects G-d’s concern that after Moses’ death the Israelites will worship other gods and as a result incur G-d’s punishment. The song that comprises much of Parashat Ha’Azinu exhibits diverse metaphors for G-d. After the poem, Ha’Azinu ends with G-d’s instructions to Moses about his imminent death. Moses will see the Promised Land from Mount Nebo, but G-d will not permit him to set foot in it.

Parashat Ha’Azinu reminds the Israelites that while human leaders are vital to their endeavor, they must prepare to be without the man who has guided them since they left Egypt; ultimately, it is only G-d and G-d’s instruction that endure.

The Haftarah for Ha’azinu also centers on a song — that of King David, the biblical harpist and, according to rabbinic tradition, the composer of much of the Book of Psalms. David employs a series of powerful images — from G-d as a sort of lifeguard, saving him from drowning (22:17), to G-d as a mighty judge (22:23), to G-d as a hunter (22:33). The central theme conveyed by these images is that while David is helpless against much greater forces, G-d is the ultimate power that will save him.

You may be asking yourself, why is teaching a song one of the last things Moses does before his death?

Well, perhaps it can be answered with understanding the significance that music holds in our lives. Music is capable of reminding us of a significant past event or a seminal moment in our lives. Just as music is capable of changing our moods, Moses’ final song to the Jews is to ground them and remind them of G-d’s importance.

Moving forward, find something that inspires you (maybe even a favorite playlist!) to remind you of your “why” or your motivation behind whatever great things you do in your life.

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