Tag Archive for: Torah

Parashot Chukat is a Torah portion found in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar) and encompasses Numbers 19:1-22:1. The portion is named after the Hebrew word “Chukat,” which means “statute” or “decree…READ MORE

Who has the authority to lead the Israelite community, and what is the source of that authority? Parashat Korach addresses these critical questions. Korach, Datan and Aviram, and 250 leaders of Israel rebel against the authority of Moshe and Aharon. The rebellion results in their being swallowed by the earth. …READ MORE

This week’s parashah describes the appointment of seventy elders to help judge the
people. As God tells Moshe, “I will draw upon the spirit that is on you and put it upon
them,” so that the elders will share the…READ MORE

This week’s parashah describes the appointment of seventy elders to help judge the
people. As God tells Moshe, “I will draw upon the spirit that is on you and put it upon
them,” so that the elders will share the…READ MORE

Found in the Book of Numbers (Bamidbar), contains various themes, including the laws
of the Nazirite, the Sotah (suspected adulteress), and the priestly blessings. Each of
these topics offers relevant lessons for modern life, supported by insights from ancient
sources like the Talmud…READ MORE

Moses conducts a census of the Israelites; G-d describes the unique duties of the Kehàt family of priests. G-d tells Moses: “You shall take a total count of the entire community of the sons of Israel according to their families, according to their father’s house, counting the names…READ MORE

Parashat Bechukotai primarily explores the consequences of our actions: Every action
has repercussions, and deviating from ethical conduct leads to societal decline. As
stated, "But if you do not obey Me and do not observe all these commandments, and if
you despise My statutes…I also will do this to you: I will even appoint terror over you"…READ MORE

Parashat Behar, from the Book of Leviticus, primarily explores the laws of the Sabbatical year (Shemitah) and the Jubilee year (Yovel), with significant ethical, social justice, and personal conduct implications for modern life. Drawing on insights from ancient Talmudic sources, here are some refined conclusions and their relevance to today’s society…READ MORE

One key takeaway from Parashat Emor is the importance of prioritizing both physical and spiritual well-being. It’s all about finding the right equilibrium.
The Talmudic sages elaborate on the benefits of dedicating one day a week to rest and spiritual reflection, highlighting its role in promoting holistic well-being….READ MORE

Kedoshim is the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18). This
principle underscores the importance READ MORE